Grow Solar works to improve interconnection and net metering standards across the Midwest. To accomplish this, the initiative works to provide regional support and resources for state legislative actions to improve interconnection and net metering standards. It also manages a shared website, state-level conference series, targeted professional development, and community education programs that facilitate collaborative resource aggregation and stakeholder engagement to replicate success.
Here’s a look at the ongoing work in each state:
- Developing and advocating for “next generation” interconnection standards that accommodate higher penetrations of distributed generation
- Updating Illinois net metering regulations to reflect best practices
- Advocating for greater clean energy options through local “municipal aggregation” contracts
- Working to fix the Illinois RPS to expand distributed solar and other renewable energy markets in Illinois
- Addressing bill credit barrier for community solar/shared solar through community solar tariff
- Working with partners to implement and improving Minnesota’s new “community solar garden” program
- Advocating for updated interconnected standards in Minnesota to accommodate higher levels of DG penetration
- Working to expand clean energy financing options for distributed generation, including third-party ownership and “clean energy choice”
- Intervening in utility rate cases to fight “anti-solar” rate designs such as high fixed charges and fees
- Working to expand clean energy financing options for distributed generation, including third-party ownership and “clean energy choice”
- Energy Darwinism: The Evolution of the Energy Industry
- The Clean Power Plan: What It Means and Tips for Building a Compliance Strategy
- Disruptive Challenges: Financial Implications and Strategic Responses to a Changing Retail Electric Business
- Minnesota Value of Solar Methodology
- Recommendations for Wisconsin | 2011